Friday, February 19, 2021

Left Coast Coach--a novel




















            So many times throughout my coaching career I have had coaches tell me one crazy story after another about dealing with players, parents, the press or administrators.  We would always say that this could be a chapter in our collective book about coaching football.  Well, I tried to take some of those tales and incorporate them into this novel. 

            This story follows two high school football coaches; one from New Jersey and one from California; who end up coaching at Elam Academy in Georgia.  Not only do they face tough competition on the field—they face racism, politics, and cancer.


Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Wind Chimes

This was a recycled art project.  The copper pipes were from an old water heater from my parents' house in Fountain Valley.


Monday, February 8, 2021

"It's Okay"

My wife found this picture on the internet.  We both felt that it was a very tender, comforting  moment--maybe between siblings or friends.  I tried to capture it in watercolors.


Thursday, February 4, 2021

Maori Warrior



This is a watercolor of a Maori Warrior.  I used a photo by Art Wolfe as a model.  His photograph was of George Hare at the Polynesian Cultural Center in Laie, Hawaii.