Monday, January 27, 2020

China Lake Petroglyphs

This is a pencil drawing of a Native American Petroglyph found on the grounds of the China Lake Naval Air Station in California.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Steel Mill Interior

As I mentioned in my painting, "Pittsburgh Steel Mill," I had wanted to do a painting of the fiery interior of a steel mill but could not find a good subject for a watercolor painting.  Recently I came across a great artist named Henry E. Jones ( whose watercolor painting I thought I could use.  His is much more dramatic and his use of a wet paper is excellent.  

I dedicate this one to my Uncle George Klipa who passed away on September 21, 2019.  He worked for many years for U.S. Steel in Pittsburgh--spending many years at the Edgar Thompson Plant.  When I was in 2nd Grade, he gave my father and me a tour of his steel mill.  No painting can capture the feel of being there in person.  The deafeningly loud sounds of the huge machines; the acrid smell of the fire, coal and steel searing your nostrils; and the burning hot temperature on your skin while you look at white hot steel--all combine to overwhelm the senses.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Angel of Bridge Street (Franklin, Tennessee)

Sitting next to a driveway on Bridge Street in Franklin, Tennessee is a statue of an angel. The weather, taking its toll on it, just seems to enhance its beauty.