Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Just Go-- In the Authors Hall Collection at Cal Poly Humboldt

In 2025, this book was included in the Authors Hall collection at Cal Poly Humboldt.

This is my first attempt at writing a short novel.  It was not so much the story I had to tell, but I wanted to go through the thought process of creating a novel. 

This story follows a naïve young man through his freshman year of college and his first time living away from home.  Searching for one’s destiny is mentioned several times and emerges as the students’ greater goal—more so than the goal of just passing classes and working towards a diploma.  Several of them have serious issues to deal with during the school year including, racial issues, long-term commitments, dealing with guilt and forgiveness.  This romantic comedy-drama is loosely based on my college experiences. AVAILABLE ON AMAZON.COM

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