Tuesday, June 2, 2020

I Am Gone from Here


Standing at my grave,
Please don’t shed a tear.
My spirit’s left this place,
And I am gone from here.

I’m in my childrens’ veins,
And in their memories dear.
I’m in my artwork done,
For friends both far and near.

My spirit’s in the ground I’ve worked,
And plants I’ve nurtured there.
And in the grapes and wine we’ve made,
And toasts that we have shared.

And at the high school games,
On cold November nights,
I’m in the mist that swirls,
Beneath the stadium lights.

So do not cry and do not weep,
My spirit’s all around you see.
And all I’ve done and all I’ve made…
—is me.

Inspired by:  Mary Elizabeth Frye

1 comment:

  1. This made me cry. Beautiful. Who is the person it was inspired by?
